Eye Bags Removal

Helps banish those dark under eye circles for good

Eye Bags Removal

Drooping eyelids and eye bags can give an impression of the old age. Opting to undergo eye bag removal surgery with Eternesse is a smart choice and could help you trim down your visual age. A good Eye bag Removal Surgery can restore the brighter, more refreshed look of your younger years. Eye bag removal surgery also known as Blepharoplasty removes the drooping skin of upper eyelids, eliminates eye bags and tightens the lower eyelid skin. Eye bag removal surgery can make people look younger and less tired.

If you notice excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelid or below the lower eyelid, or if you have loose skin hanging from your upper eyelids, Eye Bag Removal Surgery may be able to correct this.


What are the symptoms of eye bags?

Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelid.
Loose skin hanging from the upper eyelids, making the eyes looks tired.
Excess skin (eye bag) of the lower eyelids.
Droopiness of the lower eyelids sometimes referred to as eye bags.

What is the process?

Before you decide to go ahead with eye bag removal surgery, we will offer you a thorough one-tone medical consultation with our in-house cosmetic surgeons who specialise in this type of procedure. During the consultation, you will be asked about the results you would like to achieve. This will help your surgeons to understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved. In evaluating your suitability for eye bag removal surgery, your surgeon will assess the amount of excess fat and skin in the eyelid areas, the position of your eyebrows, and the condition of the muscles around your eyelids.

How does Eye bag Removal Surgery work?

Eye bag removal surgery (Blepharoplasty) is performed using local anaesthetic with sedation or a general anaesthetic and you may be able to go home on the day of your surgery, although most patients are asked to spend one night in hospital.

For upper eye bag removal surgery, an incision is generally hidden in the natural fold of the upper eyelids and extends slightly beyond the outside corner into the existing creases. Excess skin can then be removed. Because the incision follows the natural contour of the upper eyelids, it will be well camouflaged and healed. For lower eye bag removal surgery, an incision is generally made just below the lower lashes. Excess skin and fat can then be removed. As in upper eye bag removal surgery, the incision is well camouflaged by natural creases.

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